
#119 What does the coronavirus outbreak mean for the early education sector?

After an unprecedented summer of fire and smoke, communities around Australia are facing yet another emergency situation. Coronavirus, or COVID-19, is spreading around the world, with the World Health Organisation officially declaring it a pandemic. Although the risk to most people is minimal, countries - including Australia - are having to take significant steps to try and minimise its impact. These measures will have a big impact on early childhood services, and the children and families they work with. This episode, we’ll try to provide as much facts and clarity as we can about the situation we’re all facing.

Disclaimer: This episode was recorded on Tuesday 17 March 2020. Information may have significantly changed since this time. Please check official Government sources for updated information.

Episode links

Coronavirus (COVID-19) current situation and case numbers (Department of Health)
Coronavirus (COVID-19) health alert (Department of Health)
Coronavirus (COVID-19) information for schools and early childhood centres, students and parents (Department of Health)
Coronavirus (COVID-19) information sheet for child care providers and services (Department of Education)
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Webcast for Child Care Providers and Services 19 March 2020 (Department of Education)
Affected by coronavirus (COVID-19) (Services Australia)
COVID-19 - Be Prepared. Be Proactive (Free webinar from Child Australia, Thursday 19 March)
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and children in Australia (Raising Children Network)
Cash flow assistance for businesses (Australian Government)
Coronacast with Dr Norman Swan (ABC Podcast)
COVID-19: Implications for business (McKinsey & Company)
‘It’s okay to be scared’: Norway holds children-only COVID-19 press conference to allay growing fears (SBS News)

Liam McNicholas