
#122 Did the Government just announce universal free access to ECEC in Australia?

“As of Sunday night, What we will be doing is turning off the old system and going to a new system.” Those were the words of the Federal Education Minister Dan Tehan earlier today, as he stood next to the Prime Minister Scott Morrison and announced wholesale and immediate changes to how Australia funds early education. It’s hard to underestimate what this will mean, but what we know is the sector has four days notice that the Child Care Subsidy system - which took over nearly 3 years to develop and legislate - will be gone, and a new system of direct Government funding of services will be in place on Monday. And the Conservative Prime Minister of this country stated that ECEC will be free. 

Lisa, Leanne and Liam try to wrap their heads around what this announcement means for the sector.

Disclaimer: This episode was recorded at 7PM on Tuesday 2 April 2020. Information may have significantly changed since this time. Please check official Government sources for updated information.

Show links:

Early childhood education and care relief package - Prime Minister Media Release
Press Conference announcing the changes 
Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Information from the Department of Education (DESE)

Liam McNicholas